6 managing ds6000 and ds8000 flashcopy, Managing ds6000 and ds8000 flashcopy, Example 28-11 – IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 451

Chapter 28. Interoperability between DS6000 and DS8000
Example 28-11 Establishing Global Mirror using DS CLI
dscli> mkpprc -remotedev IBM.1750-1300247 -type gcp -tgtread -mode full 0801:0601
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 2:45:53 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7503461
CMUC00153I mkpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair relationship 0801:0601 successfully created.
dscli> lspprc 0801
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 2:46:04 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7503461
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass Status
0801:0601 Copy Pending - Global Copy 08 unknown Disabled False
dscli> mkremoteflash -dev IBM.1750-1300247 -conduit IBM.2107-7503461 -record -nocp 0601:0602
Date/Time: 2 November 2005 21:49:00 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
CMUC00173I mkremoteflash: Remote FlashCopy volume pair 0601:0602 successfully created. Use the
lsremoteflash command to determine copy completion.
dscli> mksession -lss 08 -volume 0801 90
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 2:57:18 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7503461
CMUC00145I mksession: Session 90 opened successfully.
dscli> lssession 08
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 2:57:55 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7503461
LSS ID Session Status Volume VolumeStatus PrimaryStatus SecondaryStatus FirstPassComplete
08 90 Normal 0801 Join Pending Primary Copy Pending Secondary Simplex True
dscli> mkgmir -lss 08 -session 90
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 2:58:19 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7503461
CMUC00162I mkgmir: Global Mirror for session 90 successfully started.
ddscli> showgmir 08
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 2:58:42 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7503461
ID IBM.2107-7503461/08
Master Count 1
Master Session ID 0x90
Copy State Running
Fatal Reason Not Fatal
CG Interval (seconds) 0
XDC Interval(milliseconds) 50
CG Drain Time (seconds) 30
Current Time 11/09/2005 02:59:58 EST
CG Time 11/09/2005 02:59:58 EST
Successful CG Percentage 100
FlashCopy Sequence Number 0x4370CB7E
Master ID IBM.2107-7503461
Subordinate Count 0
Master/Subordinate Assoc -
28.6 Managing DS6000 and DS8000 FlashCopy
The establishment of a FlashCopy pair on a DS6000 using the DS8000 DS GUI is no different
than establishing a DS8000 FlashCopy pair (see 9.6, “FlashCopy management using the DS
SM” on page 87. The establishment of a FlashCopy pair on a DS8000 using the DS6000 DS
GUI, is again no different than establishing a DS6000 FlashCopy pair. For the DS CLI, you
connect directly to the relevant SMC or HMC, so it is also not different.
28.6.1 Creating a remote FlashCopy on an DS6000 using DS CLI
It is also possible to use DS CLI to create a remote FlashCopy on a DS6000 where the
source PPRC device is a DS8000 and vice versa. In Example 28-12, we connected to a
DS8000 using the DS CLI. We determined that there are established paths from LSS 08 on
the DS8000 to LSS 06 on the DS6000. We created a Metro Mirror pair from volume 0801 on