IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 566

IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
data backup system 44
data consistency 131, 136–137, 412
Consistency Group 136
data migration 412
data mining system 44
Data set FlashCopy 51, 59, 101
Global Mirror session 258
defining PPRC volume pairs
CESTPAIR command 224
deleting PPRC pairs
CDELPAIR command 225
deleting PPRC paths
CDELPATH command 225
dependent writes 246, 250
DFSMSdss 97
Disaster Recovery practice 402
display out-of-sync tracks 209
distance 146
distance considerations 216
double cascading 412
DS API 70, 150, 222
DS CLI 12, 26, 70, 198, 229
cleanup a Global Mirror environment 404
command examples 165
command structure 29
comparison of display properties for FlashCopy 91
Copy Services commands 29
create FlashCopy relationships for Global Mirror 393
create Global Copy pairs with DS CLI 392
create Global Mirror session 394
create PPRC paths 391
create remote FlashCopy on DS6000 427
determine WWNN for ESS 800 444
establish Global Mirror session 389
establishing logical paths 422, 445
example to establish FlashCopy between B and C
freezepprc command 198
front end 85
initial FlashCopy parameters 88
interactive mode 32
introduction and functionality
listing available ports 423
Global Copy pairs 426
Global Mirror pairs 426
Metro Mirror pairs 425
Metro Mirror 165
profile 28
profile files 390
return codes 33
script command mode 32
single-shot mode 31
supported environments 165
supported operating systems for the DS CLI 26
usage examples 35
user accounts 27
user assistance 34
using the application 31
DS Command-Line Interface see DS CLI
path creation 440
DS SM 70
comparison of display properties for FlashCopy 91
create Global copy volume pairs 377
create Global Mirror session 385
display properties of existing FlashCopy 89
establish a Global Mirror environment 373
establish FlashCopy relationships 381
establish PPRC paths for Global Copy 374
front end
local FlashCopies 87
Global Mirror management 328
initial FlashCopy parameters 88
initiate FlashCopy using Create 87
reverse existing FlashCopy 92
usage 172
DS Storage Manager 233
advantages 20
connecting to DS6000 19
disadvantages 20
help panels (Software Information Center) 21
installation modes 18
real-time and simulated configuration 20
sample configuration 21
supported browsers 18
supported operating system 18
system and hardware requirements 18
DS6000 415
interoperabilitly of Copy Services with DS8000 415
DS6800 I/O ports 214
DS8000 11, 415
critical attribute 141
data consistency 131
distance 146
FlashCopy 4
interoperability of Copy Services with DS6000 415
interoperability with ESS 800 433
LSS design 145
symmetrical configuration 146
volumes 147
enterprise Remote Copy Management Facility
additional information 465
architecture 462
overview 458
enterprise Remote Copy Management Facility see eRC-
Enterprise Storage Server see ESS
remove Global Mirror 275