IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 567

logical subsystem 226
ESS 800
interoperability with DS8000 433
establish Metro Mirror pairs 175
establishing Metro Mirror paths 172
establishing PPRC volume pairs
CESTPAIR command 224
failover/failback 296
Global Mirror 342
Global Copy 401
Metro Mirror 134
B to A 283
Global Copy 401
Metro Mirror 134
failover and failback 134
failover and failback using TSO
CESTPAIR with FAILBACK action 190
high level failback process 189
high level failover process 187
syslog messages 188
syslog messages for failback process 190
failover/failback example 296
failoverpprc 169, 231
fast reverse restore 60
Fibre Channel
Global Copy 215
Fibre Channel links 143
FlashCopy 4, 41, 51, 55
activating 65
basic concepts 45
combination with other Copy Service 49
commands 71–72
commands for remote FlashCopy 85
comparison of display properties from DS CLI and DS
SM 91
comparison of parameters for initial FC using DS SM
and DS CLI 88
configuration 63
Consistency Group 55, 85
create relationships for Global Mirror with DS CLI 393
create remote FlashCopy on DS6000 using DS CLI
data backup system 44
data mining system 44
Data set FlashCopy 59, 101
define relationship for Global Mirror through TSO com-
mand 307
delete existing relationship using the DS SM 96
display properties using the DS SM 89
DS CLI example to establish between B and C 300
DS front ends 71
establish relationship 45
establish with DS SM 381
establish with ICKDSF 317
fast reverse restore 60
flow 70
full volume 97
full volume copy 48
Global Copy 50
Global Copy primary 55
Global Mirror for z/OS 51
ICKDSF example to establish between B and C 301
incremental 56
initiate background copy for persistent relationship
Persistent FlashCopy 93
initiate using Create using DS SM 87
initiate using DFSMSdss 97
integration system 45
interfaces 60, 69
introduce 257
limitations 54
local 71
local FlashCopies 73
local FlashCopy commands 75
managing for ESS 800 452
Metro Mirror 49
multiple relationship 54
nocopy option 48
operational areas 44
options 53, 60
overview 43
parameters used in remote FlashCopy 86
persistent 59
planning 64
production backup system 44
reading from the source 47
reading from the target 47
remote 59, 72
remove relationship 274
remove session 406
resynchronize target using the DS SM 94
reverse existing FlashCopy using the DS SM 92
reverse restore 60
terminating the relationship 47
test system 44
TSO example to establish between B and C 299
withdraw relationships with ICKDSF 326
writing to the source 47
writing to the target 47
z/OS datasets 51
z/OS environment 72
z/OS interfaces for local FlashCopies 97
FlashCopy commands
FlashCopy examples
create backup 123
create test system or integration system 122
creating FlashCopy for backup purposes without vol-
ume copy 123
Incremental FlashCopy for backup purposes 124
multiple setup of a test system 122