IBM DS6000 User Manual

Page 568

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IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z

one time test system 122
using a target volume to restore its contents back to
the source 125

FlashCopy V2


flow 70

Consistency Group 260


PPRC logical subsystem operation 226

freeze command 140
freezepprc 168, 198, 232
full duplex 203
full volume 48
full volume FlashCopy 97
fuzzy copy 511



IBM Global Services offerings 507
PPRC and HyperSwap 504
solution offerings 502
three site solution overview 506

GDPS HyperSwap Manager 134

attributes 503
overview 503


introduction 505

Global Copy 4–5, 50

addition of capacity 220
batch execution of TSO commands 228
catch-up transition 207
channel extender support 216
comparison 222
connectivity 215
create pairs with DS CLI 392
create point-in-Time Copy 209
create volume pairs through TSO commands 305
delete pairs with ICKDSF 327
display out-of-sync tracks 209
distance considerations 216
DS Storage Manager 233
DS6800 I/O ports 214
establish pair 206
establish pairs with ICKDSF 316
establish PPRC paths with DS SM 374
establish volume pairs with DS SM 377
Fibre Channel links 215
go-to-SYNC using ICKDSF 208
go-to-SYNC using the DS CLI 209
go-to-SYNC using the DS Storage Manager 208
go-to-SYNC using TSO 207
hardware requirements 213
logical paths 216
lsavailpprcport 230
lspprcpath 230
Metro Mirror panel 234
mkpprcpath 230
overview 202

path commands 230
path panel 233
peak bandwidth requirements 220
performance 220
planning considerations 217
positioning 204
remove session 406
rmpprcpath 230
scalability 220
states change logic 203
TSO commands 224
TSO example 241
TSO examples 238
using ICKDSF to control 228

Global Copy Dense Wave Division Multiplexor (DWDM)
support 216
Global Copy pair commands

failbackpprc 231
failoverpprc 231
freezepprc 232
lspprc 231
mkpprc 232
pausepprc 232
resumepprc 232
rmpprc 232
unfreezepprc 233

Global Copy primary 55
Global Copy states change logic

copy pending 203
full duplex 203
simplex 203
suspended 203

Global Mirror 4, 6, 51, 250

add or remove storage servers or LSSs 272
ANTRQST macro enhanced 327
attributes of synchronous data replication 250
basic concepts 253
change an LSS session 400
cleaning with TSO commands 360
cleanup with DS CLI 404
connectivity 279
connectivity to remote site 255
Consistency Group formation 260
Consistency Group parameters 262
Consistency Group transmission 338
consistent asynchronous remote copy solution 253
consistent data on B volumes 289
create 269

a FlashCopy for backup 402
FlashCopy relationships for Global Mirror with DS
CLI 393
Global Copy pairs with DS CLI 392
Global Copy volume pairs with DS SM 377
PPRC paths with DS CLI 391
session with DS SM 385
session with the DS CLI 394
volume pairs through TSO commands 305


a session through TSO command 308
FlashCopy relationship through TSO commands