How to read this manual, How to read this manual 230 – IBM Oce TDS400 User Manual

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Océ TDS400 User Manual

How to read this manual

The consistent style that is used in this manual enables you to quickly become
familiar with the use of this manual and ultimately the Océ TDS400.


Each section or subsection contains a description of the feature or

operation identified in the title. It might also include possible applications, as
well as any guidelines that you should bear in mind.


A description is followed by a procedure. A procedure always

begins with a phrase which briefly describes the procedure, followed by a
series of numbered steps that take you, step by step, through all phases of
performing the operation.

Figures and tables

Figures and tables are titled and numbered sequentially

throughout this manual. Figures include pictures of product components,
screen dumps, examples, and diagrams of concepts discussed in the

Attention getters

There are several types of information to which we draw

your attention. This information is classified as follows:


In a ‘Note’, information is given about matters which ensure the proper

functioning of the machine or application, but useful advice concerning its
operation may also be given.


The information that follows ‘Attention’ is given to avoid

damage to your copy or original, the copier or printer, data files, etc.


The information that follows ‘Caution’ is given to prevent you

suffering personal injury. .