Port replicator power overload – IBM THINKPAD S05L-1270-01 User Manual
Page 234

The following event causes the computer to exit
hibernation mode:
The power-on switch is turned on.
When power is turned on, the hibernation history in the
boot record on the hard disk is recognized and system
status is restored from the hard disk to resume operation.
Port Replicator Power Overload:
If power
shutdowns occur intermittently when using PCMCIA-2
devices via a port replicator, suspect a current overload.
Some PCMCIA devices use much power; if the maximum
usage of each device occurs simultaneously, the total
current will exceed the limit, thereby causing a power
shutdown. Isolate this problem by removing one of the
devices, and use the computer under the same condition
to see whether a power shutdown occurs. Do this
procedure for all devices; then determine the cause.
IBM Mobile Systems HMM