2using your pc – HP Vectra VE 5/series 2 User Manual
Page 27

This chapter gives important ergonomic advice, explains how to set a password, and shows
how to use your CD-ROM drive.
Thank you for choosing Hewlett-Packard equipment. To maximize your comfort and
productivity it is important that you set up and use your equipment properly. This section of the
User’s Guide
provides guidance and hints, based on the latest ergonomic findings, to help you
work in a comfortable and ergonomically low-risk environment. Also, international regulations
and guidelines are included from the European Community Display Screen Equipment
directive and ISO 9241 to ensure that the information presented is applicable worldwide.
Please be aware that the quoted dimensions are for an average person. They may need to be
adjusted to your individual physical characteristics. For example: if you are an extra tall person,
your work surface may need to be higher than the range listed. Prior to using any Hewlett-
Packard equipment, study these instructions and suggestions and consult the bibliography at
the end of this section. If, during use of this or any other equipment, you experience pain or
discomfort, stop work and review this section of the
User’s Guide
. Should the discomfort return,
discontinue use of the equipment and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Because your safety and comfort is our primary concern, we strongly recommend that our
equipment be used in accordance with ergonomic standards and recommendations. Recent
literature suggests that there may be a relationship between injury to soft tissues, especially in
the hands and arms, and the prolonged use of keyboards or other equipment requiring
repeated motions of the hands and forearms. Literature also suggests that there are many
other risk factors which may increase the chance of such soft-tissue injury, commonly called
Repetitive Strain Injury.
What is RSI?
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI - also known as cumulative trauma disorder or repetitive motion
injury) is a type of injury where soft tissue in the body, such as muscles, nerves, or tendons,
become irritated or inflamed. In an extreme case, this irritation can lead to permanent tissue
damage. RSI has been a reported problem for workers performing specific tasks such as
assembly line work, meat packing, sewing, playing musical instruments, and VDT work. It may
also result from other activities such as carpentry, knitting, housework, gardening, tennis, wind
surfing, and lifting children.
Why is it important for me to exercise care in how I set up and use my equipment?
Some people who use VDTs experience physical discomfort during their use. Sometimes this
discomfort leads to a repetitive strain injury. Setting up and using equipment properly can help
to minimize this discomfort. Use your equipment in an appropriate way. Well-designed and
adjusted equipment may not be sufficient to eliminate all potential problems. How you perform
your VDT activities is also important.