2 syntax and assembler error codes – Hitachi NJI-350B User Manual

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Chapter 12 Error Code List and Special Internal Outputs


12.2 Syntax and Assembler Error Codes

The following describes the syntax and Assembler error codes. The error codes are output as hexadecimal values to the
internal output WRF001. The syntax and Assembler error checks are performed at the time of RUN startup.

Error code

Error item

Description of error

Corrective action


Duplicate definition of

There are 2 or more LBL instructions with the
same number in the program

Limit the LBL instruction that has
2 or more of the same number to 1.


Duplicate definition of

There are 2 or more FOR instructions with the
same number in the program

Limit the FOR instruction that has
2 or more of the same number to 1.


Duplicate definition of

There are 2 or more NEXT instructions with the
same number in the program

Limit the NEXT instruction that
has 2 or more of the same number
to 1.


Duplicate definition of

There are 2 or more SB instructions with the same
number in the program

Limit the SB instruction that has 2
or more of the same number to 1.


Duplicate definition of

There are 2 or more INT instructions with the
same number in the program

Limit the INT instruction that has
2 or more of the same number to 1.


END undefined

There is no END instruction prior to the INT or
SB instructions

Define the END instruction before
the INT or SB instruction.


RTS undefined

There is no RTS instruction corresponding to the
SB instruction

Define the RTS instruction after
the SB instruction.


RTI undefined

There is no RTI instruction corresponding to the
INT instruction

Define the RTI instruction after the
INT instruction.


SB undefined

There is no SB instruction corresponding to the
RTS instruction

Define the SB instruction before
the RTS instruction.


INT undefined

There is no INT instruction corresponding to the
RTI instruction

Define the INT instruction before
the RTI instruction.


RTS area error

There is the RTS instruction in the normal scan
area or interrupt scan program area

Define the RTS instruction within
the subroutine area.


RTI area error

There is the RTI instruction in the normal scan
area or subroutine program area

Define the RTI instruction within
the interrupt scan area.


END area error

There is the END instruction in the interrupt scan
program area or subroutine program area

Define the END instruction at the
end of the normal scan area.


CEND area error

There is the CEND instruction in the interrupt
scan program area or subroutine program area

Define the CEND instruction
within the normal scan area.


RTS start condition error There is a startup condition in the processing box

that includes the RTS instruction

Delete the startup condition of the
processing box.


RTI start condition error

There is a startup condition in the processing box
that includes the RTI instruction

Delete the startup condition of the
processing box.


END start condition error There is a startup condition in the processing box

that includes the END instruction

Delete the startup condition of the
processing box.

Syntax and Assembler error checks by the task code
The undefined contents of the syntax, Assembler and operation error codes will be checked.
However, error codes will not be set in WRF001