ARRI ALEXA 35 Body & PL Mount Set (LBUS) User Manual

Page 48

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ARRI Textures


G733 Nostalgic

A grainy texture with a vintage feel, designed to render a lot of grain and a soft charac-
ter. The unsaturated grain type was created based on direct feedback from cinematogra-
phers. Perfect for all EI settings.

F567 Clarity

A texture designed to work for any kind of footage, with increased sharpness and detail
compared to the K445 Default texture. The Clarity textures are a perfect choice for land-
scape shots. Works best for low to mid EI settings.

F578 High Clarity

A texture designed to work for any kind of footage, with even more detail compared to
the K445 Default texture. The Clarity textures are a perfect choice for landscape shots.
Works best for low to mid EI settings.

L345 Shadow

A texture based on the K445 Default texture, with lower noise and grain optimized for im-
ages with a lot of dark content. The visible grain emulates the look of grain in the toe of
color negative film and is more pleasing in darker scenes. Works best for mid to high EI

H457 Deep Shadow

A texture designed for the darkest shots. This texture has low noise, and the remaining
grain is less saturated. It has higher clarity and even more shadow detail retention than
the L345 Shadow texture. Works best for mid to high EI settings.

The applied Texture is indicated by the texture icon in the status information of EVF and SDI 1/2.

Naming Scheme

ARRI Texture names consist of two parts: a technical summary of the texture and a more memorable

word or words that describe the texture. While ARRI Textures represent about 30 image processing

settings, we have distilled those to four important attributes for the technical summary, so you can

quickly tell what to expect.

Type of grain

The type of grain can vary in quite complex ways, e.g. more or less

color, fine/coarse etc. The grain of the default Texture K445 Default

complies with a letter in the middle of the alphabet. The bigger the

variations in color, size etc. are of this default grain, the further away is

the letter of another ARRI texture. The closer the letters are in the al-

phabet, the more similar is the impression regarding the type of grain.

Amount of grain

A number indicating the amount of grain. The higher the number, the

more grain there is (0 to 9).

Contrast at fine image


This number indicates the amount of contrast for fine image structures

(high spatial frequencies). The higher the number, the higher the con-

trast (0 to 9).

Contrast at coarse image


This number indicates the amount of contrast for coarse image struc-

tures (low spatial frequencies). The higher the number, the higher the

contrast (0 to 9).


A descriptive name of the texture.