ProSoft Technology PLX31-EIP-SIE User Manual
Page 59
PLX3x Series
EIP Protocol
Ethernet and Serial Gateways
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 59 of 218
September 17, 2014
Class 3 Client/UClient[x] Commands
There is a separate command list for each of the different message types
supported by the protocol. Each list is processed from top to bottom, one after
the other, until all specified commands are completed, and then the polling
process begins over again.
This section defines the EtherNet/IP commands to be issued from the gateway
to server devices on the network. These commands can be used for data
collection and/or control of devices on the TCP/IP network.
In order to interface the virtual database with Rockwell Automation
Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs), Programmable Logic Controllers
(PLCs), or other EtherNet/IP server devices, you must construct a command list.
The following tables describe the command list parameters for each message