ProSoft Technology PLX31-EIP-SIE User Manual
Page 122
MBS Protocol
PLX3x Series
User Manual
Ethernet and Serial Gateways
Page 122 of 218
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
September 17, 2014
MBS Functional Overview
The Modbus Serial protocol supports both Master and slave implementations of
the protocol. Each of the gateway serial ports is individually configurable to
communicate to separate networks.
7.1.1 Modbus Serial Specifications
Command List
Up to 100 commands per Master port, each fully configurable for
Function Code, slave address, register to/from addressing and word/bit
Supported Modbus
Function Codes
1: Read Coil Status
2: Read Input Status
3: Read Holding Registers
4: Read Input Registers
5: Force (Write) Single Coil
6: Preset (Write) Single Holding Register
15: Force (Write) Multiple Coils
16: Preset (Write) Multiple Holding Registers
Polling of Command
Configurable polling of command list, including continuous and on
change of data, and dynamically user or automatic enabled.
Status Data
Error codes available on an individual command basis. In addition, a
slave status list is maintained per active Modbus Master port.
Node Address
1 to 247 (software selectable)
RS Interface
RS232, RS422, and RS485