General parameter configuration, Communication parameters, Data link configuration – ProSoft Technology MVI69-101S User Manual

Page 92: Asdu configuration

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MVI69-101S ♦ CompactLogix or MicroLogix Platform


IEC 60870-5-101 Slave Communication Module

Page 92 of 149

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

March 16, 2009

The MVI69-101S module works as a IEC-60870-5-101 slave. It can send monitor
data, receive commands or generate events to the master unit, as explained in
the following topics.

5.3.1 General Parameter Configuration

Communication Parameters

The following parameters should be configured for serial communication:

Baud Rate : 9600 #Baud rate for port 110-38400

Parity : 2 #0=None, 1=Odd, 2=Even

RTS On : 0 #0-65536 mSec before message

RTS Off : 0 #0-65536 mSec after message

Minimum Delay : 20 #Minimum # of mSec before response sent

Receive Timeout : 2000 #Maximum mSec from first char to last to wait

Hardware Handshaking: 0 #Hardware handshaking 0=None, 1=RTS/CTS, 2=DTR/DSR,


Adjust these parameters for your application.

Data Link Configuration

The protocol specification document IEC 60870-5-2 specifies an unambiguous
address (number) for each link. Each address may be unique within a specific
system, or may be unique within a group of links sharing a common channel. The
protocol specification defines that the Data Link Address may have 0, 1 or 2
octets. The first option should be used only during Balanced Mode.

Configure the following parameter to set the number of octets to be used for the
Data Link Address value. It is essential that the master unit also uses the same
number of octets configured for the MVI69-101S.

Data link address length : 2 #0, 1, or 2 octets used for DL address

You must also configure the actual Data Link Address value using the following

Data link address : 1 #Range depends on the configured DL


This value identifies the module's address in the network.

ASDU Configuration

The protocol specification document IEC 60870-5-3 describes the Basic
Application Data Units that are used in the protocol. It also defines the
Application Service Data Unit (ASDU) used by the protocol for data

You can configure the number of bytes to be used for the following ASDU



Possible Number of Octets

Cause of Transmission


1 or 2

Common Address of ASDU


1 or 2

Information Object Address


1, 2 or 3