3 configure stonith_sbd fencing – Avago Technologies Syncro CS 9286-8e User Manual
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Syncro CS 9286-8e Solution User Guide
November 2014
Chapter 3: Creating the Cluster
Creating the Cluster in SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
Configure stonith_sbd Fencing
Stonith_sbd is the fencing mechanism used in SLES-HA. Fencing ensures data integrity on the shared storage by not
allowing problematic nodes from accessing the cluster resources. Before you create another resource, you have to
configure this mechanism correctly.
For this example, the World Wide Name (WWN - 0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343) refers to /dev/sda1.
Use only the wwn-xyz device handle to configure stonith_sbd. The
device handle is not persistent, and using it can cause
sbd unavailability after a reboot.
Perform the following step to set up the stonith_sbd fencing mechanism.
Create the sbd header and set the watchdog timeout to 52 seconds and mgswait timeout to 104 seconds by
entering the following at the command prompt:
sles-ha1:~ # sbd -d /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1 -4 104 -1
52 create
The following output appears.
Initializing device /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1
Creating version 2 header on device 3
Initializing 255 slots on device 3
Device /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1 is initialized.
Verify that the sbd header was created and timeout set properly by entering the following at the
command prompt:
sles-ha1:~ # sbd -d
/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1 dump
The following output appears.
==Dumping header on disk /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1
Header version : 2
Number of slots : 255
Sector size : 512
Timeout (watchdog) : 10
Timeout (allocate) : 2
Timeout (loop) : 1
Timeout (msgwait) : 104
==Header on disk /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1 is dumped
Add the contents to /etc/sysconfig/sbd by entering the following at the command prompt:
sles-ha1:~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/sbd
The following output appears.
Allocate a slot for the node 1 for sbd by entering the following at the command prompt:
sles-ha1: # scp /etc/sysconfig/sbd root@sles-ha2:/etc/sysconfig/
sles-ha1:/etc/sysconfig # sbd -d
/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x600605b00316386019265c4910e9a343-part1 allocate sles-ha1
The following output appears.
Trying to allocate slot for sles-ha1 on device
slot 0 is unused - trying to own
Slot for sles-ha1 has been allocated on