Avago Technologies Syncro CS 9286-8e User Manual
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Avago Technologies
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Syncro CS 9286-8e Solution User Guide
November 2014
Chapter 3: Creating the Cluster
Creating the Cluster in SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
31 Network Settings on Routing Tab
Restart the network service if needed by entering the following command:
/etc/init.d/network restart
Edit the /etc/hosts file to include the IP address and the hostname for both node 1, node 2, and the remote
client. Make sure that you can access both nodes through the public and private IP addresses.
The following examples use sles-ha1 to denote node 1 and sles-ha2 to denote node 2.
YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_1 sles-ha1.yourdomain.com sles-ha1
YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_2 sles-ha1.yourdomain.com sles-ha1
YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_3 sles-ha2.yourdomain.com sles-ha2
YOUR_IP_ADDRESS_4 sles-ha2.yourdomain.com sles-ha2
YOUR_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS client.yourdomain client
Establish ssh keyless entry from node1 to node 2, and vice versa, by entering the following commands:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@node1
Connect to the NTP Server for Time Synchronization
Perform the following steps to configure both the nodes to use the NTP server in the network for synchronizing
the time.
Access Yast > Network Services > NTP configuration, and then select Now & on boot.
Select Add, check Server, and select the local NTP server.
Add the IP address of the NTP server in your network.