Cleaning the main charger unit – TA Triumph-Adler CLP 4524 User Manual
Page 122

Date en cours : 10 janvier 2008
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Cleaning the Main Charger Unit
The main charger units need to be cleaned periodically as they get contaminated after long usage. Each
main charger unit comprises two main parts — the wire and the grid — which should be cleaned
separately as explained below.
There are 4 main charger units, one for each toner container. When performing the cleaning procedure,
be sure to clean the main charger unit that corresponds to color of the toner container that was replaced.
The following example explains the procedure to clean the main charger unit for the black toner
Open the left cover.
First clean the main charger wire. Grasp the green wire cleaner knob. Gently pull the wire cleaner
knob out and push it back in. Repeat this 2 to 3 times. After cleaning, make sure you restore the
wire cleaner knob to its home position.
If the wire cleaner knob is not restored to its home position, a band will print along the length of the page.
Main Charger Units
Left Cover
Wire Cleaner Knob