Reserved words, Character set – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

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Concepts - 3

Reserved Words

CAM BASIC compr ises a set of statements, com mands and function names which are treated as reser ved words and cannot
be used at the beginning of variab le names. These are sometimes r eferred to as keywords.

Character Set

The CA MBASIC character set includes all characters which are legal in CAM BASIC comm ands, statements, functions and
variables. The set comp rises alphabetic, numeric a nd special character s.

Alphabetic characters are automatically converted to upper case unless they are part of a string and enclosed in quotation
marks, or are part of a rem ark. Numer ic digits are 0 through 9.

Any cha racter , w hether pr intable or n ot, m ay be used in a string. The follow ing chara cters hav e special significa nce in
C A M B A SI C :

Space or Blank


Equals sign or assignment symbol


Plus sign for addition or string concatenation

Minus sign for subtraction


Asterisk or multiplication symbol


Slash or division symbol


Caret, Control Key, or exponent


Left par enthesis


Right par enthesis


Left bracket


Right bracket


Percent or P RINT U SING overflow indicator


Binary number prefix or logical unit declaration


Dollar sign or string declaration


Comm a and print separation symbol


Period or decim al point


Semicolon or carriage r eturn suppressor


Colon or program line statement delimiter


Less than


Greater than and system prom pt


Amp ersand o r hexad ecimal nu mber prefix


Binary num ber pr efix


Backspace and erase the previous character

< E S C >

Escape input mode or halt execution


Back slash and integer divider



C >

Control C to break an IN PUT statement




Control S is XON code




Control Q is XOF F code

. .

Two p eriods or label pref ix


Carriage return

< S P C >



Apostrophe or remark