Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual
Page 69
Comm ands - 36
A point is erased using the CLEAR DISPL AY P(x, y) command. Gr aphics dots in a line are cleared
using the CLEAR DISPLA Y LINE command.
ON enables character, graphics, or both displays. Power on default is both graphics and character
display ON. Turning on or off the character or graphics do es not affect the other. In other wor ds,
you could turn characters on without affecting the graphics display. It is possible to update the
graphics and character screen even if they are off.
Large Character Commands
Some ver sions of CAM BASIC pr int larger char acters. These char acters are d rawn as gr aphics.
D I SP L A Y M (x , y )" t ex t" ;
Print medium size characters
D I SP L A Y M , R (x , y )" t ex t" ;
Print medium size characters in reverse color format
D I SP L A Y L (x , y )" T e xt " ;
Print large size characters
D I SP L A Y L , R (x , y )" T e xt " ;
Print large size characters in revers color format
Medium size character s are position based on a graphical X and Y pixel position. When printing a
string, characters automatically advance to the right. X, Y coordinates specify the upper right corner
of the character block.
Lar ge size char acter po sition is based on pix el and sma ll charac ter re solution. X position star ts
based on small character set. F or a 320 x 240 pixel display, maximum X position is 34. Y position
sets the top of the character.
Character fonts are stored in flash and may be changed. Refer to your hardware manual for more
"T ext" ca n be a num ber or the CH R$() com mand. Be sure to ter minate the comm and with a se mi-
colon (;). L eaving it out will send a < CR> < LF> sequence (2 spaces) to the display.
The example below is for the LC D– 4x40 display.
Notice that all DISPLAY statements end with a semicolon so that a carriage re turn/line feed will not
be sent.
20 A$ = "--PRESENTING--"
30 B$ = "--------"
40 C$ = "160 Character LCD display"
50 D$ = "with LED backlighting"
60 DISPLAY (0,5) A$;
70 DISPLAY (1,14) B$;
80 DISPLAY (2,6) C$;
90 DISPLAY (3,8) D$;
100 DELAY 2
110 DISPLAY (0,0) CHR$(32,80);
120 DISPLAY (2,0) CHR$(32,80);
130 DELAY .5
140 GOTO 60
Line 10 installs the driver for the LCD– 4x40 at address &40 with no visible cursor.