Remote Processing RPC-2300 User Manual

Sbs-2300 user's manual

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Copyr ight 1999 - Re mote P rocessing Cor poration. All
rights reserved. However, any part of this document
may be reproduc ed with Remote Proce ssing cited as the

The con tents of this ma nual and the sp ecifications her ein
may change without notice.


CAM BASIC II™ and PC Sm artLINK™ are trademar ks of
Octagon Systems Corpor ation.

Microsoft® BASIC is a trademark of M icrosoft
Corpor ation.

Remote Pr ocessing Corporation
7975 E. Har vard Ave.
Denver, Co 80231
Ph: (303) 690 1588
Fax: (303) 690 1875
www. rp3.c om


The infor mation co ntained in this m anual is believe d to
be correct. However, Remote Pr ocessing assumes no
responsibility for any of the circuits described herein,
conveys no license under any patent or other right, and
make no repre sentations that the circuits are free from
patent infringement. Rem ote Processing makes no
representation or warr anty that such applications will be
suitable for the use specified without further testing or
modification. The user must make the final
determination as to fitness for a particular use.

Remote Pr ocessing Corporation' s general policy does not
recomm end the use of its products in life support or
applications where the failure or malfunction of a board
may threaten life or injury. Install redundant or backup
safety systems as appropriate to the application.


The SBS-2300 is intended as an OEM pr oduct in an
industrial environment. It was not tested for EMI
radiation. When operated outside a suitable enclosure,
the board and any cab les coming from the board will
radiate harmful signals which interfere with consuer and
industrial r adio freq uencies. It is your r esponsibility to
proper ly shield the RP C-2300 and cables co ming fr om it
to prevent such interference.

P / N


Revision: 1.2