Config count – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 180

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CON FIG C ommands - 7


Tasking Statement


CONFIG COUNT number,address,bit [,preset] [,AUTO]


To define the characteristics of a software counter.


The CO NFIG COU NT statement is the initial step in setting up a software counter. Up to eight
counter s can be defin ed. A counter input may b e any digital input.

The counter number has a range of 0 to 7. The address is the address of a parallel I/O port. The bit
param eter spec ifies bit 0 throug h 7 of that por t.

The option al preset parameter is only used when you want an interrupt at a specified number of
counts. When the optional AUTO parameter is specified, the counter will automatically reset to zero
when the preset is reached.

For ad ditional information see the M ultitasking Chapters.


O N C O U N T , S T A RT C O U N T , S T O P C OU N T , R E S U M E C O U N T


10 CONFIG COUNT 4,32,2,5000

This configures counter 4 at address 32, and bit 2 with a preset count of 5000.



Data negative


– for number, address, bit, preset


Data > 65,535


– for preset and address


Data out of range


– if number or bit > 7