Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 22

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Program Editing - 3


Hack Remainder Of The Line And E nter Insert
The Hack command deletes from the cursor position to the end of the line and enters the Insert


10 PRINT "This is";:PRINT" a simple edit"
10 _

Move the curso r to the “ e” in edit.

10 PRINT "This is";:PRINT" a simple edit"
10 PRINT "This is";:PRINT" a simple _

Now type < H> and then the phrase ("hack") and, finally, < ENTER> .

10 PRINT " This is"; : PRINT " a simple hack"


The < I> key is used for insert.

The cursor is norm ally a blinking underline character. When in the Insert Mode , this changes to a
blinking block character.

When using a CRT terminal, < I> turns on the Insert Mode and < ESC> turns it off. After the
Insert Mode is turned off, you can continue editing the remainder of the line. Typing an
< ENT ER> when in the Insert Mode will cause the edited line to be saved.


List The Entire Line
Use the L comm and to finish listing the line and remain in the Edit Mode. This comm and is useful
when you have made several inserts and deletions in a line.


Modify By Deleting And Inserting
The M odify comm and deletes n characters and enters the Insert Mode. It is a combination of the
Delete and Inser t Modes.


10 PRINT "This is";:PRINT" a simple edit"
10 _

Space the cursor out to the “I” in “is” .

10 PRINT "This is";:PRINT" a simple edit"
10 PRINT "This _

Now type < 2M> and the word (was) followed with < ENTER> .

The word “ is” was deleted and the word “ was” w as inserted.

10 PRINT "This was";:PRINT" a simple edit"