Load – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 107

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Comm ands - 74




L O A D program
L O A D program R U N
L O A D to RAM segment, RAM address, from me mory segm ent, memo ry address, length


LOAD with no parameters reads a program from Flash and puts it into RAM.

LOAD program retrieves a pr ogram from 0 or 1 in a 128K Flash E PROM or 0 to 7 in a 512K F lash
and puts it into RAM.

LOAD with all the other parameters transfers data from Flash to RAM or RAM to RAM.


LOAD with no parameters is the only valid LOAD com mand on the RPC -150 and RPC-2300.

L O A D n RUN is used within a program to run another program. Pr ogram execution always starts at
the first program line.

The third syntax, from me mory segm ent, refers to the physical memory m ap and is in the range of 0
to 15. Segments 0-7 are always RAM while segments 8-15 are always Flash EPROM . The number
of segments actually available depe nd upon mem ory size for ea ch type. 12 8K RAM uses segments 0
and 1. 128K Flash use segments 8 and 9. A 512K RAM uses segments 0-7 while a 512K flash uses
segments 8-15.

The thir d syntax is usefu l for m oving blocks of mem ory ar ound fro m F lash to RAM or RA M to
RAM . U sing proper addressing, you can move and replace CA MBASIC arrays in RAM . U se the
SAVE com mand to store to Flash.



Loads a program from F lash segment 0.


Loads a program from F lash segment 0 to 7

LOAD 1,weight,1,&9000,4500

Loads 4500 bytes of data to R AM se gment 1, address

“w eight” from Flash segment 1, address &9000.


Load pr ogram from Flash seg ment 1 an d runs it.


< Data ne gative> – for addr ess or leng th
< Data > 65, 535> – for addr ess or leng th
< Data > 2 or 7> for segment