The cambasic mini– monitor – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 207

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Mini-Monitor - 1


The Mini– Monitor is included in CAM BASIC primar ily for those who will be combining object code (either from
assembly or “C” ) programs with CAM BASIC. The com mand set will let you examine and edit memory, and single step
using the breakpoint feature. You enter the M ini– Monitor by typing:


While in the monitor, the prom pt will change from the normal “ > ” to:


You can exit the mon itor by typing < Q> < RET > at the monito r pro mpt.


The Mini– Monitor has eleven commands. All data must be entered in hexadecimal. If too little data or an illegal
command letter is entered, the terminal will beep and you will be prompted to start again. Entering more than four hex
digits for a number produces a system error, causing you to exit the Mini– Monitor.

The param eters for the various commands r equire a space after the command letter and between par ameters. The
Mini– Monitor cannot be used with a program line number. The command summary is below:

D – Display memory
E – Edit memory
F – Fill a block of memory
M – Math, add, subtract, multiply in Hex
Q – Quit Mini– Monitor


This command is used to examine mem ory. W hen executed, it displays 8 lines of 16 bytes at a time. To display the next
128 bytes, press the space bar. To exit this command, press < RET> .
A typical display would be as follow s:


00 00 60 83 9E 28 9D AE 00 00 20 83 29 29 A8

..'..(.... .))..


20 AE 00 00 0C 86 99 20 E9 00 0F 00 50 00 94

...... ....P..


D1 28 AE 00 00 0C 00 29 00 21 00 5A 00 81 20

(.....).!.Z.. X


A7 AE 00 00 0C 00 98 AE 00 00 60 83 3A 41 A7



28 AE 00 00 60 00 29 3A 82 00 1B 00 64 00 8B



D2 28 22 41 53 44 46 22 29 A8 A6 20 AE 00 00

.("ASDF").. ....


87 99 20 E9 00 1A 00 78 00 8B 20 C7 28 AE 00

.. ....x.. .(...


64 89 29 A8 A6 20 AE 00 C0 0A 8B 99 20 E9 00

d.).. ...... ...

To display memory in segm ent one or higher, see the following example which w ill display RAM memor y in segment 1,
starting at address 0.

MON>D 0 1