Remote Processing RPC-220 User Manual

Rpc-220 user's manual rev 1

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Copyr ight 1998 - Re mote P rocessing Cor poration. All
rights reserved. However, any part of this document
may be reproduc ed with Remote Proce ssing cited as the

The con tents of this ma nual and the sp ecifications her ein
may change without notice.


Signetics is a registered trademark of Phillips
Semiconductor s.

P C S m a rt L IN K ® i s a tr a d em a r k o f Oc t ag o n S y st e ms
Corpor ation.

Intel is a copyright of Intel Corpora tion.

Windows, Windows 95, and Windows Terminal are
trademarks of M icroSoft Corporation.

Remo te Pro cessing is a r egistered tradem ark of R emote
Processing Cor poration.

Remote Processing® Corporation
79 75 E. Harvard Ave.
Denver, Co 802 31 USA
T el: (3 0 3 ) 6 9 0 - 1 5 8 8
Fa x: (3 0 3 ) 6 9 0 - 1 8 7 5
email: getinfo3@rp3. com
internet: www .rp3. com


The infor mation co ntained in this m anual is believe d to
be correct. However, Remote Pr ocessing assumes no
respons ibility for any o f the softwar e or cir cuits
described herein, conveys no license under any patent or
other r ight, a nd make no repr esentations that the circuits
are free from patent infringement. Rem ote Processing
makes no representation or warranty that such
applications will be suitable for the use specified without
further testing or modification. The user m ust make the
final determination as to fitness for a particular use.

Remote Pr ocessing Corporation' s general policy does not
recommend the use of its products in life support
applications where the failure or malfunction of a
component m ay directly threaten life or injury. It is a
Condition of Sale that the user of Remote Processing
products in life support applications assum es all the risk
of such use and indemn ifies Remote Pr ocessing against
all damages.


The RPC-220 was not tested for EMI radiation. When
operated outside a suitable enclosure, the board and any
cables coming from the board w ill radiate harmful
signals which interfere with consumer and industrial
radio fr equencies. It is your r esponsibility to pr operly
shield the RPC-220 and cables coming from it to prevent
such interference.

P/N 1736
Revision: 1.4