Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 208

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Mini-Monitor - 2

Edit Memory

This routine lets you poke hex values into memor y. F or example, to edit at A000, you enter the command below . The


” pr ompt is for the data. Enter the data and type < RET> . T he data and addre sses will then be displayed for easy


MON>E A000

*01 22 4D C3 20 00 7A 23 C9

A000 01
A001 22
A002 4D
A003 C3
A004 20
A005 00
A006 7A
A007 23
A008 C9

This command can only be used in segment 0, since this is the only segment where code may be exec uted.

Fill Memory

This command m ay be used to fill a block of memory. It is often used to zero a section of memory w here data will be
stored to make the detection of the data easier w hen debugging. The syntax is:

F start address end address data [segm ent]

All the memory locations, from the start through the end address, will be filled with the data (00– FF). An optional
segment may be entered.


T h is fe a tu r e is a he x ad e ci m al ca l cu la t or . Y o u en te r tw o 8– b it nu m b er s an d th e M in i– M o n it or d is p la y s t he s um ,
difference and product of the two.

MON>M 65 44

+ A9
* 1AD4


T h is c om m a n d i s u s ed to e xi t t he M i ni – M o n it or a n d r e tu r n to C A M BA S IC .