Remark – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual
Page 137
Comm ands - 104
' any characters
To allow explanator y rem arks to be inserted in a progr am or designate a line/ label.
This syntax is different fr om the R EM used in other Basics. The ' form at provide s a mor e reada ble
remar k. The old RE MAR K syntax,
10 REM test comments
is not allowed.
10 'test comments
is required.
Remark statements are not executed but are output exactly as entered when the progra m is listed.
Remarks ar e skipped over during execution. Thus, if memory allows, you may leave all your
rem arks in you r final applic ation softwar e with no sac rifice in spe ed. The extr a mem ory r equired is
usually insignificant compare d to the additional clarity achieved with the addition of r emark s.
If you put a rem ark on a line with other CAM BASIC statem ents, the r emark must be the last
statement on the line and be preceded with a colon. Any statements following the remark are
This form at may be used to designate line/ labels. T he maxim um length is 159 char acters.
120 'calculate average velocity
130 FOR I = 1 TO 20
140 S = S + V(I)
150 A = 0 : 'initialize A