Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Remote Processing Computers

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Copyright 1988-1994 – Octagon Systems and Remote Pr ocessing Corp. All rights reserved.
Modifications by Remote Processing Cor poration, C opyright 1995 - 2003

The software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance w ith the
term s of the agr eemen t.

The contents of this manual and the specifications herein may change without notice.


CAM BASIC™, M icro PC ™, P C Sma rtLIN K™ and Event M ultitasking™ are tradem arks of Octago n Systems.
IBM PC ® is a registered trademark of IBM Corpora tion.
QBASIC® is a registered trademark of M icrosoft Corporation.

Remote Pr ocessing Corp.
7975 E. Har vard Ave.
Denver, CO 80231
Phone:303– 690– 1588
FAX : 303-690-1875
www. rp3.c om
Order #1042
Rev 1.6