Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 68

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Comm ands - 35

Random access mode is most com monly used when presenting data or during operator feedback.
You specify a row and column where you want the first character to be printed. The third syntax
formats the data, like the PRINT USING comma nd in other BASIC s.

LCD character display notes:
The integrated e lectronics within the LC D displays treat the unit as either one or two 1x80 displays.

I f th e li ne s ar e 4 0 c h ar a c te r s l on g , th e n t he r e ar e tw o ph y si c al li ne s (r o w s) . T h e f ir s t h a s a c ol um n
range from 0 to 39, and the second line has a column range from 40 to 79. W hen more than 80
characters are w ritten to the display in the sequential mode, the display will wrap around back to the

I f th e di sp la y li ne s ar e 2 0 c h ar a c te r s l on g , a d if f er e n t m o d e i s u s ed . T h e f ir s t r o w ha s a c o lu m n
range from 0 to 19. Columns 20 through 39 are not used. Writing to these columns will not affect
the display. Columns 40 through 59 form the second display line, and columns 60 through 79 are
not used.

No display wrapping will occur from row 1 to row 2. This is true in both the sequential and random
access modes.

DISP LAY functions like the P RINT #10 statem ent. A car riage r eturn/ line feed will be appended to
the DISPLAY statement unless there is a trailing semicolon. On LCD character displays this shows
up as "gar bage" cha racters.

Graphic C omman ds
The L CD graphics display has seve ral com mand. Some or all of these com mands a re not ava ilable
on all cards. Refer to your hardware manual to determine if it is available.


Clears graphics and characters from display


Clears character s at current line

CLE AR DISP LAY L INE (x1, y1),(x2, y2)

Clears graphics line from x1, y1 to x2,y2


Clears a point on a graphics screen


Clears all characters, graphics not affected


Clears all graphics, characters not affected

DISPLA Y F(x1, y1),(x2, y2)

Fills rectangular area x1, y1 to x2,y2

DISPLA Y F, C(x1, y1),(x2, y2)

Clears a rectangular area

DISPLA Y F, X(x1,y1), (x2,y2)

Toggles, or XORs a r ectangular area

DISPLA Y P(x, y)

Turns on a point at x,y

DISPLA Y LINE (x1,y1), (x2,y2)

Draw s a line from x1,y1 to x2, y2

D I SP L A Y O F F [type]

Turns display off. type is C or G.

D I S PL A Y O N [type]

Turns display on. type is C or G.

Some boar ds have additional comm ands and XY limits. Refe r to your har dware m anual for these
limits. (x1,y1) and (x2, y2) specify the coordinate points for a comm and.

DISPL AY L INE dr aws l line on a graphics display. Its syntax is:

DISPLA Y LINE (x1,y1), (x2,y2)
Where: x1,x2 = 0 to 159 (LCD 5003 on RP C-30 )

y1,y2 = 0 to 127 (LCD 5003 on RP C-30)

The P param eter puts a single point to a graphics display.