Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

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Introduction - 2

O U T H E AT , 0

All you need is the addition of the AUTO command at the beginning of the program. N o program
lines can be blank. Each line must have a remark (' ) if nothing else.


Nonvolatile Variables
CAM BASIC has a special set of 26 process variables (A% through Z %) that are not zer oed on
power– up or reset. These var iables are used in exactly the sam e manner as the norma l variables.
With a battery– backed RAM module, these variables will automatically retain their values if the
power goe s off. T hey also are pr e-compiled, so they execute faster than standar d variables.


Event Multitasking
CAM BASIC provides several types of multitasking. All defined tasks operate in the background and
are checked 200 times per sec ond on 18 MH z systems and 100 time s per second on 9 M Hz systems.
This includes periodic interrupts, counting, timed outputs, checking the keypad input, checking input
combinations, and checking inputs for a change of state.


Individual Bit Manipulation
Most industrial control is done on a line or bit basis, rather than an 8– line port basis. CAM BASIC
can set and reset individual bits without affecting other bits on the port. It can also cause individual
bits to be timed outputs that time out, independently of program execution.


Automatic Serial Data Capture
In many applications, your micr ocomputer card m ay be connected to a host computer, either through
a modem or radio link, or directly. The computer can transmit a message to the microcomputer card
while the ca rd is exec uting a pro gram . A n automa tic interr upt can be ge nerated when the m essage is
completed, or CAM BASIC can interrogate the message at its convenience. Input and output
characters are always buffer ed automatically.


Multi dimension Num eric and String Arrays
Both numeric and string arr ays may have up to 255 dimensions.


Error Handling
In most applications, it is important that program execution not be broken when a run time err or
occurs. C AMBASIC can trap these errors and cor rective action can be taken without stopping the
p r o gr a m .


Keypad and Display Support
The DISP LAY and KEYP AD$ com mands fully suppor t RPC k eypads and displays.


Large Programs Supported
You can ru n progra ms as large as 32 K in all cards.


Automatic Type C onversion
In CA MBA SIC you never n eed to declar e integer o r floating po int variable s. C AM BASIC conver ts
automatic ally, a s needed by the progr am. Data is alw ays stored as floating point, so no prec ision is


EEPROM Programming Supported
CAM BASIC progr ams ar e developed in the on– card R AM . O nce you ar e satisfied with its
operation, you type SAVE and an autorun EEPROM is programmed automatically. Your program
then runs from the EE PROM on power– up.