Save – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

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Comm ands - 113




SAVE program
SAVE to Flash segme nt, to Flash address, from RA M segm ent, from RA M addres s, len gth


Saves programs and data to flash EPROM.


Some ca rds, such as the R PC- 150 and RP C-2300 , on ly allow the fir st SAVE syntax. Car ds with
128K or more of flash EP ROM allow saving more than 1 program . These sam e cards also allow
s a vi ng b in a r y d a ta . R e fe r to y ou r h ar d w ar e m a nu a l t o s e e i f i t s u pp o r ts 1 28 K of f la s h. T h e R PC -
150 and RPC -2300 do not. The RP C-2350 does.

program is 0 or 1, when using a 128K F lash, 0 -7 when using a 512K Flash.

Both RAM and F lash address are in the range of 0 to &FF FF (65535).

Flash segment is from 8 to 15. Mem ory segm ents 0-7 ar e RAM while 8-15 a re for Flash. Segmen ts
may be limited depending upon the amount of memory installed.

RAM segment is 0 or 1 with 128K RAM installed and 0-7 with 512K RAM.

A simple SAVE transfers a program from RA M to Flash. It begins saving at Flash address 0.

SAVE program allows you to save programs as 0 or 1 using a 128K Flash or as 0-7 using a 512K.

program and Flash segment are related by the following formula:

Flash segment = program + 8

Be careful when saving data. It is possible to clobber a program by accessing the same location.

SAVE allows you to store informa tion POKE’d into RAM . D ata should be saved above where the
program is stored to prevent clobbering.

The 3rd syntax can be executed during run time. Use LOA D to transfer blocks of memor y from
Flash to RAM or RAM to RAM.




Saves a pr ogram to Flash se gment 1

SAVE 9,SA,1,RA,5500

Saves data to Flash


< Command not available> – if card does not support user serial EEPROM
< Data negative> – for addre ss
< Data > 65.535 > – for addre ss