Pulse – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual
Page 135
Comm ands - 102
Tasking Statement
PULSE n,a ddress, bit,tim e,p olarity
To config ure a digita l output line as a tim ed, or pulsed o utput.
You may configure up to eight digital I/O lines as independent pulse output. The lines may be on
any digital I/O port. T his command allows you to pulse a line for a period of time while executing
other BASIC comma nds.
n is a pulse reference number and has a range from 0 to 7. This number is used for CL EAR P ULSE
and PULSE functions to reference this pulse timer.
The address is the I/O address of an 8– bit port. The r ange is 0 to 65535 (&FFF F).
The bit parameter is the particular bit of the port. T he value ranges from 0 to 7.
The time p a r am e te r is th e ti m e i n s e co n ds th a t t he s pe c if ie d bi t i s a c ti ve . Y o u m a y sp e ci fy a ti m e
from 0. 005 to 327. 67 seconds.
The polarity parameter deter mines whether the specified bit is active high or low. When polarity is
“1” , the bit goes high during the active time. If the polarity is “0” it goes low during the active
For more information see the Multitasking Chapter.
CLE AR PU LSE, PUL SE function
PULSE 5,0,2,2.55,1
Pulse number 5 is configured to output bit 2 at address 0 so the bit will go high for 2.55 seconds and
then return low. This sequence will execute only once.
< Data > 255> - for address
< Data negative> – for n,addr ess,bit,w ait,active
< Time > 327.67 sec> - for t
< Data > 65,535> – for address
< Data out o f range> – if bit or bit > 7