Date – Remote Processing CAMBASIC User Manual

Page 61

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Comm ands - 28


System Statement


DAT E$ = date string


DAT E$ is used to set the date on the system calendar clock. T he system clock keeps time on a 24
hour basis, with a resolution of one second.


The date string may be a variable or a constant. In either case the format is the same.

The string must be in one of the forms below:



where mm is the month and ranges from 01 to 12, dd is the day (01-31), yy is the year (00-99) and
dw is the day of the week (0-6).

The RP C-2350 does not suppo rt dw, or day of w eek.


DATE$ function and TIME$


10 DATE$ = "11-01-91"

10 A$ = "01-15-91"
20 DATE$ = A$

10 A$ = "04-02-99,4"
20 DATE$ = A$


< Syntax> – if two digits are not used m m , dd , yy , or if digits not 0-9 are entered.
< Data out of range> - when month, day and year are out of range or not num bers. E xtensive
range checking is not performed. You can enter "02-39-99" as a valid date. Range checking on
RPC-2350 ser ies only.