Touch probe cycles for automatic operation – HEIDENHAIN TNC 620 (340 56x-02) Cycle programming User Manual
Page 279
13.1 Gener
l Inf
ation about T
h Pr
obe Cy
Touch probe cycles for automatic operation
Besides the touch probe cycles, which you can use in the Manual and
El. Handwheel modes, the TNC provides numerous cycles for a wide
variety of applications in automatic mode:
Calibrating a touch trigger probe
Compensating workpiece misalignment
Setting datums
Automatic workpiece inspection
Automatic tool measurement
You can program the touch probe cycles in the Programming and
Editing operating mode via the TOUCH PROBE key. Like the most
recent canned cycles, touch probe cycles with numbers greater than
400 use Q parameters as transfer parameters. Parameters with
specific functions that are required in several cycles always have the
same number: For example, Q260 is always assigned the clearance
height, Q261 the measuring height, etc.
To simplify programming, the TNC shows a graphic during cycle
definition. In the graphic, the parameter that needs to be entered is
highlighted (see figure at right).