Cycle parameters – HEIDENHAIN TNC 620 (340 56x-02) Cycle programming User Manual

Page 276

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Cycles: Special Functions

12.5 T




le 32, DIN/ISO: G62)

Cycle parameters


Tolerance value T

: Permissible contour deviation in

mm (or inches with inch programming). Input range 0
to 99999.9999


HSC MODE, Finishing=0, Roughing=1:

Activate filter:


Input value 0:
Milling with increased contour accuracy. The
TNC uses the filter settings that your machine tool
builder has defined for finishing operations.


Input value 1:
Milling at an increased feed rate. The TNC uses
the filter settings that your machine tool builder has
defined for roughing operations. The TNC works
with optimal smoothing of the contour points,
which results in a reduction of machining time.


Tolerance for rotary axes TA:

Permissible position

error of rotary axes in degrees when M128 is active.
The TNC always reduces the feed rate in such a way
that—if more than one axis is traversed—the slowest
axis moves at its maximum feed rate. Rotary axes are
usually much slower than linear axes. You can
significantly reduce the machining time for programs
for more than one axis by entering a large tolerance
value (e.g. 10°), since the TNC does not always have
to move the rotary axis to the given nominal position.
The contour will not be damaged by entering a rotary
axis tolerance value. Only the position of the rotary
axis with respect to the workpiece surface will
change. Input range 0 to 179.9999

Example: NC blocks


96 CYCL DEF 32.1 T0.05

97 CYC DEF 32.2 HSC MODE:1 TA5

The HSC MODE and TA parameters are only available if on
your machine you have software option 2 active (HSC