Grass Valley Maestro Master Control v.1.7 User Manual
Page 145

Maestro Channel Branding User Guide
3rd Step: Audio Sets
Default Monitor Maximum Level
Choices range from 0 dB to -20 dB in 1 dB increments. The Default is 0 dB.
This is also the value that the Audio Monitor section will default to after
NVRam is cleared. After an NVRamClear, the frame processor will default
audio monitoring to this level.
The channel will also default to Master Fade after an NVRamClear, so no audio
will be heard.
This option selects the maximum output level of the audio monitor out-
puts. Some users prefer to limit the maximum volume permitted in a
control room. We do not suggest this as, in a digital system, optimum
signal-to-noise performance is compromised if the maximum level is not
equal to digital full scale (dBFS).
Default Monitor Reference Level
Choices range from -10 dB to -30 dB in 1 dB increments.
Default: -20 dB.
This option selects the default monitor reference level. This level is
achieved when the
button located next to the audio level control is
pushed. The purpose of this button is to provide a reference or standard
level of audio for monitoring. This is especially important in a Dolby Sur-
round system. The default level is -20 dBFS, meaning that the output mon-
itors will have 20 dB of gain above the standard reference level.
Setting this value below -20 dB is not recommended. The preferred monitor
reference level is between -12 dB and -20 dB. In a digital system, main-
taining maximum signal-to-noise ratio requires that normal listening levels
are within 20 dB of digital full scale (dBFS).
Many Dolby Surround systems are designed so that the listening level is -
20 dB below full scale, and power amplifiers are set so that this output level
results in a listening level of between 75 and 85 dB SPL.
Default Monitor Minimum Level
Choices are:
Range from -30 dB to -60 dB in 5 dB increments
Off (default)
This option sets the minimum audio monitor output level. The default is
OFF, but a minimum level can be set so that an operator can be prevented
from turning the monitor speakers all the way off, thereby not listening to
the transmitted program.