Welltech SIPPBX 6200 V.3.1.0 User Manual
Page 54

Welltech Computer Co., Ltd.
SIPPBX 6200S/GS Release 3.1.0 User Guide
- 54 -
• Matched Length: Applied only when specified length of DINS is matched.
Zero (0) indicate ignore length option.
• Matched User Group: Applied only for specified user group. Others group
will not be applied.
• Hunting Method: Hunting method used for this group
- Round Robin: Call is hunting rotationally until user answer
- Priority: Call is hunting base on priority set until user answer
- Max Idle Time: Max idle one will be hunt first until user answer
- Ring All (First Answer): Send request to all members. When a user
pickup the phone, cancel the others request.
- Round Robin (Ring Only): Send request based on round robin member
selection. Stop hunting when a user response ringing.
- Priority (Ring Only): Send request based on member's priority. Stop
hunting when a user response ringing.
- Max Idle Time (Ring Only): Send request base most idle policy. Stop
hunting when a user response ringing.
- Round Robin (Load Balance): Send request based on round robin
member selection. Stop hunting when return code is defined in the Load
Balance Reason Code.
- Priority (Load Balance): Send request based on member's priority. Stop
hunting when return code is defined in the Load Balance Reason Code.
- Max Idle Time (Load Balance): Send request base most idle policy. Stop
hunting when return code is defined in the Load Balance Reason Code.
- RADIUS Route: Let the RADIUS to decide the routing. It is mainly used
for least cost routing or QOS routing. It requires using WellBilling 6600
Release 2.0.
- ENUM: This routing is use ENUM DNS server to decide the routing. You
have to set the corresponding ENUM DNS in the Networking settings. If
you are trying to accept ENUM incoming call, you need also enable the
Accept Anonymous Call to Subscriber in system configuration.
Otherwise, the call from ENUM (unknown host) will be rejected.
- No Answer Timeout: The maximum time (in second) to wait the remote
party answer (pick up phone)
• First Response Timeout: The maximum time to wait for device response.
It’s depended on the network speed.
• Remove Prefix: Remove prefix matched or not