Verilink AS2000: The Basics (880-502981-001) Product Manual User Manual
Page 177

Verilink Access System 2000: The Basics
midplane data buses 4-20
MLS 2000 2-1
MLS 2200-4i 1-2
MLS 2200-5i 1-2
MOM (Manager of Managers) 1-4
monitor network performance 5-1
mounting brackets 4-2
Multi-line Shelf 1-2, 2-1, 4-14
multiplexed (data) 2-2
MUX Mode 2-6
National Electrical Code 3-7
NC (normally closed) 4-8
NCM 2-9
NET LED 5-19, 5-21
Network (CSU timing) 2-11
network access module 1-2
Network Service Provider (NSP) 2-5
NFAS (non-frame alignment signal) 5-14
NO (alarm contacts) 4-8
node configuration worksheets 3-8
node controller bus expansion cables 4-18
node management protocol 1-5
Node Manager 1-4, 1-5
Node Summary Worksheet 3-8
test pattern 5-10
OOF (out of frame event) 5-11, 5-14
OOFS (out of frame second) 5-13, 5-14
P3 (power supply alarms) 4-8
PAC 2910 3-3
PDC 2920 3-3, 4-14
performance data 5-11, 5-15
performance data registers 5-16
power fault 5-19
Power LED 4-14
Power Supply A 4-14
Power Supply B 4-14
pre-installation questionnaire 3-8
pulse stuffing 5-7
PWR 2930 3-4, 4-5
PWR 2940 3-4, 4-5
test pattern 5-10
Quint-line Shelf 1-2, 2-1
RAI (Yellow Alarm indication signal received) 5-
RAI-Receiving (received Yellow Alarm indication
signal) 5-14
RAIS (remote alarm indication second) 5-12
RAIS (sending yellow alarm indication signal) 5-
receive clock 2-12
redundant power supplies 4-5
repeater loopback (RLB) 5-9
RJ-48 (USOC jack) 3-7
RS-449 adapter cable B-9, B-10
RS-485 4-19
RS-48S 4-19
RTN (return) 4-15
RTN socket 4-8
safety precautions 3-7
SCC (SNMP Controller Card) 2-9
SEF (severely errored frame) 5-15
SEFS (severely errored framing second) 5-12, 5-
self test 5-19
Send timing 2-11
Serial Clock Transmit External 2-11
Service Order Code 3-7
SES (severely errored second) 5-11, 5-15
shelf address 4-18
shelf midplanes 4-18
shelf units 1-2
signal ground 4-4
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 1-5
SNMP 1-4, 1-5
SNMP agent 2-7
SNMP controller 2-9
SNMP management agent 2-9
ST (send timing) 2-11
Sub-Rate Data Multiplexer 2-8
synchronize DSU timing 2-10
synchronous serial data 2-6
system faults 5-2
system power 3-3
system-level fault isolation 5-1