Connector interface, Modules (cim), Committed information – Verilink AS2000: The Basics (880-502981-001) Product Manual User Manual

Page 130: Rate (cir)

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Acronyms and Definitions


Verilink Access System 2000: Basics


An oscillator-generated signal that

provides a timing reference for a

transmission link.

clocking options

Selectable variables that determine

where a component of a digital

service will receive clock from.

coaxial cable

An insulated central conducting

wire wrapped in another cylindrical

conducting wire; usually wrapped

in an additional insulating layer

and an outside protective layer.

code violation

Violation of a line coding rule, for

instance a bipolar violation.

code violation—line (CV-L)

In an

alternate mark inversion


line coding signal, this is a

bipolar violation (BPV)


code violation—path (CV-P)



(D4) framing is used, this

is a framing error. When ESF

framing is used, this is a CRC-6



An encoder/decoder device, often

used with video.

Committed Burst Size (Bc)

In frame relay networks, the

maximum data size in bits that the

service provider agrees to transfer

under normal conditions during a

certain time interval (Tc).

Committed Information Rate (CIR)

In frame relay networks, the

average rate in bit/s that an end-

user plans to transfer information

under normal conditions.

common channel signaling (CCS)

A network architecture which uses

Signaling System 7 protocol for the

exchange of information between

telecommunications nodes and

network service provider on an

out-of-band basis. An E1 switched

network signaling option which

allows information channels access

to timeslot 16 signaling on a first-

come, first-served basis.


A physical interface, such as DB-

25, typically with male and female


connector interface modules (CIM)

Rear connecting modules that

connect to the Access System

2000 application modules. CIMs

provide the network, DTE, external

timing and often management

connection interfaces.

controlled slip second

A time interval during which there

was a timing slip and no data or

signal was lost.