OWON MSO Series User Manual
Page 66
When carrying out the cursor measurement, the position of Cursor 1 can be adjusted
with the CURSOR1 (VERTICAL POSITION) knob of Channel 1, and that of Cursor
2 can be adjusted with the CURSOR2 (VERTICAL POSITION) knob of Channel 2.
Perform the following operation steps for the Vamp cursor measurement :
1. Press CURSOR and recall the CURS MEAS menu.
2. Press F1 and choose Vamp for Type, with two purple dotted lines displayed
along the horizontal direction of the screen indicating CURSOR1 and
3. Adjust the positions of CURSOR1 and CURSOR2 according to the measured
waveform, with the absolute value of the Vamp amplitude difference between
Cursor 1 and Cursor 2 displayed in the increment window. The current position
of Cursor1 is displayed in the Cursor1 window and that of Cursor2 is displayed in
the Cursor2 window (see Fig.5-49).
Fig.5-49 wave of Vamp cursor measurement
Carry out the following operation steps for the Freq cursor measurement :
1. Press CURSOR and recall the CURS MEAS menu.
Press F1 and choose Freq for Type, with two purple dotted lines displayed along the vertical
direction of the screen indicating the corresponding Cursor 1 and Cursor 2
3. Adjust the positions of CURSOR1 and CURSOR2 according to the measured
waveform, with the period and frequency of Cursor1 and Cursor 2 displayed in the
increment window. The current position of Cursor1 is displayed in the Cursor1
window and that of Cursor2 is displayed in the Cursor2 window (see Fig.5-50).