Example 3: capture the single signal – OWON MSO Series User Manual
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Fig.6-2 Wave Form of Gain Measurement
Example 3: Capture the Single Signal
The digital storage oscilloscope takes the lead in providing the convenience capturing
of such non-periodic signals as pulse and burr, etc. If you intent to capture a single
signal, you can not set the trigger level and the trigger edge unless you have particular
priori knowledge of this signal. For example, if the pulse is the logic signal of a TTL
level, the trigger level should be set to 2 volts and the trigger edge be set as the rising
edge trigger. If it is uncertain as to the signal, you can make an observation of it in
advance under the automatic or ordinary mode to determine the trigger level and the
trigger edge.
The operation steps are as follows:
1. Set the probe menu attenuation coefficient to 10X and that of the switch in the
probe to 10X.
2. Adjust the VOLTS/DIV and SEC/DIV knobs to set up a proper vertical and
horizontal ranges for the signal to be observed.
3. Press the button ACQUIRE to display the ACQUIRE Mode menu.
4. Press the F2 menu selection button and choose Peak Detect.
5. Press the TRIG MENU button to display the Trigger Mode menu.
6. Press the F1 menu selection button and choose Single as the type.
7. Press the F3 menu selection button and choose Edge as the mode.
8. Press the F4 menu selection button and choose Rising as the slope.
9. Press the F5 menu selection button to next menu.
10. Press the F2 menu selection button and choose Single as the trigger mode.
11. Rotate the LEVEL knob and adjust the trigger level to the mid-value of the
signal to be measured.
12. If the Trigger State Indicator at the top of the screen does not indicate Ready,
push down the RUN/STOP button and start Acquire, waiting the emergence of