OWON MSO Series User Manual
Page 56
The Vertical VOLTS/DIV and the Vertical POSITION knobs of Channel 1are
used to set the horizontal scale and position.
The Vertical VOLTS/DIV and the Vertical POSITION knobs of Channel 2
are used to set the vertical scale and position continuously.
Notes: The following functions would be disabled when XY Format is set.
Reference or Any calculated l wave form
Cursor Function
All time base controls
All Trigger controls
Use XY Format
1. Apply input signals to both CH1 and CH2
2. Press the DISPLAY to activate DISP Set menu.
3. Press F1 to set Vectors as type,F2 to set Infinite for persist and F3 to set XY as
Format as shown as Fig. 5-35
Fig.5-35 Display in XY Format
At the mode of FFT, if switching YT to XY, "FFT MODE is unavailable" prompts as
Fig.5-36 FFT mode XY Format Disable