OWON MSO Series User Manual
Page 62

The arithmetic mean over the entire waveform.
The true Root Mean Square voltage over the entire waveform.
Rise Time
Time that the leading edge of the first pulse in the waveform takes to rise
from 10% to 90% of its amplitude.
Fall Time
Time that the falling edge of the first pulse in the waveform takes to fall
from 90% to 10% of its amplitude.
The width of the first positive pulse in 50% amplitude points.
The width of the first negative pulse in the 50% amplitude points.
ay 1→2 The delay between the two channels at the rising edge.
Delay 1→2 The delay between the two channels at the falling edge.
+Duty Cycle, defined as +Width/Period.
-Duty Cycle, defined as -Width/Period
We now take you through an example to use Automatic measurement. Before using
them, all sources of channels have to be switched on. These can be done through CH
menu as mentioned before. Please be aware that this function only applies to
waveform captured from input channels at YT format. It would not work on saved
waveforms, calculated waveforms and waveform in XY or SCAN format. In this
example, we apply square wave to Channel 1 and sine wave to Channel 2, and we
want to measure the frequency, Peak-to-Peak value of Channel 1, and mean value and
RMS value for Channel 2. Here is how we set them up:
Press F1 next to Source/Type to highlight Source.
Press F2 to choose first sources as CH1.
Press F3 to choose second source again as CH1.
Press F4 to choose third source as CH2.
Press F4 to choose fourth source as CH2.
Press F1 again to highlight Type.
Press F2 to select Freq. A reading of 1.000Khz appears automatically.
Press F3 to select Pk-Pk, reading appears immediately under highlighted type.
Press F4 to select Mean for CH2, reading appears immediately.
Press F5 to select Cyc RMS, reading appears immediately.
The measured value will be displayed in the reading window automatically (see