Example 4: analyze the details of a signal – OWON MSO Series User Manual
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the signal in conformity with the trigger conditions. If a signal reaches to the set
trigger level, one sampling will be made and then displayed in the screen. With
this function, any random occurrence can be captured easily. Taking the burst
burr of larger amplitude for example, set the trigger level to the value just greater
than the normal signal level, and then presses the RUN/STOP button and waits.
When there is a burr occurring, the instrument will trigger automatically and
record the wave form generated during the period around the trigger time. With
the HORIZONTAL POSITION knob in the horizontal control area in the panel
rotated, you can change the horizontal position of the trigger position to obtain
the negative delay, making an easy observation of the waveform before the burr
occurs (see Fig.6-3).
Fig.6-3 Capture the Single Signal
Example 4: Analyze the Details of a Signal
Noise is very common inside most of the electronic signal. To find out what's inside
the noise and reduce the level of noise is very important function our oscilloscope
is capable to offer.
Noises Analysis
The level of noise sometime indicates a failure of electronic circuit. The Peak Detect
function acts an important role to help you to find out the details of this noise. Here is
how we do it:
1. Apply Square waveform to CH1 as source signal, press ACQUIRE button to
active ACQU MODE menu.
2. Press F2 to select Peak Detect function. The signal displayed on the screen
containing some noise, by turning on Peak Detect function and changing time
base to slow down the incoming signal, any peaks or burr would be detected by
the function. (See Fig.6-4).