How to acquire data, How to observe and analyze the data – OWON MSO Series User Manual
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detected and wait for sample finished. "STOP" for sampling finished。
12、Value indicate current time base。
13、Info windows: different operation display different info。
14、Value display current filter modulus setting。
15、Value display current sample rate setting。
16、Two purple lines for cursor 1 and cursor 2 in cursor measurement
17、Percentage value indicate trigger position for next sampling in storage area。
18、Red square indicate the current sampling data position in storage area。
19、Red scale line indicates the time base width in sampling data display area and totally
4.8 divisions. The width between two long scale lines is 1 division and between short
scale lines are 0.1 divisions。
How to acquire data
When you start to acquire LA begins sampling data from the probes. Then each time
clock occurs the data will be sampled.
Then sampled data is sent to trigger function block and store in main memory. The
trigger program checks specific events with the sampled data and take specific action. The
trigger program can check events as rising edge, data values, and data ranges etc. LA
module enables a post trigger delay counter when trigger reach specified value and to
allow post trigger portion of the acquisition memory to fill before data acquisition stops.
Press "F" to get into data acquisition mode after finish setting for trigger and
sampling. Then running status display as "RUN" and running status display "TRIG" when
detected trigger signal and display "STOP" when data acquisition finished. Then you can
start to analyze data. Data acquisition can be stopped by press "F" again during the
When running status display as "RUN" 、 "TRIG" during data acquiring
process ,only "F" key for operate and other keys or knobs are idle. Only till status
display as "STOP" then others operations are working.
How to observe and analyze the data
Follow up below steps to observe and analyze the current data acquired:
1. Turn "Sec/Div" knob to adjust the time length for data display in each division (to
adjust the data resolution displayed).
2. Turn "Cursor" knob to observe more details for the data of current cursor
position. The data of binary value for current cursor position display in binary
system area and power on measure menu then bus value for current cursor
position will display in measurement window.
3. Turn "horizontal position" knob can move the current displayed data to left/right
position in storage area quickly.
We will use a simple measurement example to explain the primary setting for LA
We need to measure a three lines SPI signal, three signals are enable, clock and data.
Clock is in effect when enable is low clock data, and clock frequency is 1M, data width is
32 digits, every clock corresponds to one data. Signal voltage is 3.3V.