15 btn. snd – Kanguru 4HD SATA User Manual
Page 49
3.4.15 Btn. Snd.
The Button Sound function allows you to enable or disable the button sound. When enabled, the
KanguruClone will produce an audible beep whenever a button is pressed. When disabled, no sounds
will be produced when a button is pressed. The default setting is enabled.
<- Back UP/DN Sel ->
Trans BLK: Auto
Btn. Snd: ENABLE
<- Back UP/DN Sel ->
Btn. Snd.: Disable
<- Back UP/DN: Change
1. From the Setup Menu, press the UP or DOWN buttons to
navigate to CONFIGURATION mode. Press the RIGHT
button to enter CONFIGURATION mode.
2. From the CONFIGURATION Function Menu, press the UP
or DOWN buttons to navigate to the BTN. SND. function.
Press the RIGHT button to enter the BTN. SND. Setup
3. From the BTN. SND. Setup Menu, press the UP or DOWN
buttons to change between Enable and Disable. Press the
LEFT button to confirm the Button Sound mode.
Btn. Snd.