Kanguru Clone Hard Drive Duplicator User Manual
Kanguru Storage

KanguruClone Hard Drive Duplicator
SerialPort Terminal Guide
Kanguru Solutions has developed the SerialPort Terminal application for use with your KCLONE-5HD-SATA or KCLONE-14HD-
SATA hard drive duplicator. The SerialPort Terminal application is a text based logging tool for recording duplicator operations. The
generated text can be saved for auditing purposes, or can be provided to a Kanguru support technician for troublshooting assistance.
• KCLONE-5HD-SATA or KCLONE-14HD-SATA hard drive duplicator
• Windows XP, Vista or 7 operating system, 32-bit and 64-bit compatible
• PC with a USB port (USB2.0 suggested)
To run the SerialPort Terminal application:
1. Locate the two serial ports located on the back of your Kanguru hard drive duplicator.
2. Connect the provided Serial to USB cable from the bottom serial port on your hard drive duplicator to your PC.
Note: If Windows asks you for a driver, the necessary drivers are located on the provided CD under the “Drivers” folder.
Hard drive duplicator
3. Insert the CD you received from Kanguru Soltuions in your PC’s optical drive.
4. Open My Computer and navigate to the Kanguru CD. Double click on SerialPort Terminal.exe. The SerialPort Terminal
application launches.