Accessories – Ivoclar Vivadent SR Adoro User Manual
Page 9

SR Link, 5 ml
sR Link is a metal/Zro
/composite bonding agent that
provides a covalent bond between the metal and
frameworks and sR Adoro. sR Link is an easy-
to-use and, above all, tried-and-tested bonding sys-
tem that can be used in conjunction with a wide
selection of alloys and Zro
frameworks. the bond-
ing system is suitable for use on frameworks made of
– alloys that contain less than 90% gold, palladium and platinum
– alloys that contain less than 50% copper and/or silver
– base metal alloys
– titanium alloys
– Zro
sR Link must not be used on electroformed (Galvano) frameworks,
as the reactivity of the components partaking in the chemical reac-
tion decreases with increasing contents of precious metal (Galvano,
99.9% fine gold). Consequently, not enough metal-phosphate
bonds are formed.
SR Gel, 30 ml
sR Gel is a glycerine-based masking gel that is impervious to
oxygen. the gel is applied to the restoration before polymerization/
tempering to minimize the formation of an inhibition layer on the
surface of the veneering composite. Consequently, the gel
ensures complete curing of the restoration surface.
SR Adoro Thermo Guard, 175 g
sR Adoro thermo Guard is a diethylene glycol- and water-based
paste. the paste, which is applied to all exposed metal parts,
provides a thermally absorbing
(cooling) effect, thereby minimizing the
internal tension at the interface
between metal and sR Adoro. As a
result, sR Adoro thermo Guard helps
reduce the risk of hairline cracks.
SR Model Separator, 10 ml
the sR model separator is suitable for separating work-
ing dies during the fabrication of metal-free restorations
and adjoining stone surfaces during composite veneering.
SR Retention Adhesive, 20 ml
this adhesive varnish is utilized to affix micro- and
macroretention beads to the restoration surfaces after
Compatibility with Ivoclar Vivadent tooth lines
especially in partial and removable denture prosthetics, the com-
patibility between denture teeth and composite veneering material
plays a particularly essential role. For this reason, we paid particular
attention to developing a material that
is capable of reproducing the shade
of the ivoclar Vivadent denture
Compatibility with IPS d.SIGN
and IPS InLine
the shade concept of sR Adoro, the ips inLine system, as well as
ips e.max Ceram follows that of ips d.siGN. this means that there is
an opaquer, Dentin, Deep Dentin and matching incisal materials for
each tooth shade. the shading of the impulse, Gingiva, and stains
materials follows that of the ips d.siGN, ips inLine and ips e.max
Ceram materials so that the additional materials that are independent
of any shade system permit a similarly esthetic appearance.
this allows users to work more efficiently.
Consequently, the processing of
combined restorations is easier and faster
and shade adaptation to existing ceramic
restorations is more efficient.
SR Adoro Gingiva concept
the shades of sR Adoro Gingiva are coordinated with those of the
ivoclar Vivadent Gingiva concept of the ips inLine, ips d.siGN and
ips e.max systems. in this way, the shade design of true-to-nature
gingiva components, particularly in conjunction with implant super-
structures, is possible according to the same method with all
veneering systems.
Compatibility with Ivoclar
Vivadent cementation systems
Choose an adequate cementation option from the ivoclar Vivadent
range. suitable luting composites or cements are available for both
the adhesive cementation of framework-free restorations and the
conventional cementation framework-supported restorations.
Framework-free restorations:
– Variolink
– Variolink
– multilink
Metal- / zirconium oxide-supported
– multilink
– speedCem
– Vivaglass