Ivoclar Vivadent SR Adoro User Manual
Page 87

Can SR Adoro pastes (high viscosity and low viscosity) be
mixed with each other?
High- and low-viscosity materials must not be mixed with each
other because they would develop bubbles. SR Adoro must not be
processed or mixed with other veneering materials.
What are the layer thicknesses permitted for SR Adoro?
A layer thickness of 2 mm in the incisal and occlusal area must not
be exceeded.
Can SR Adoro Stains be applied on the surfaces?
SR Adoro Stains must also be covered with layering materials, such
as Incisal and Transpa materials.
Are the connector and bonding liquids required for
subsequent adjustments?
Connector and/or bonding liquids must not be used since they
minimize the bond of SR Adoro.
In which furnaces can SR Adoro be polymerized / tempered?
SR Adoro can only be polymerized / tempered in a Targis Power
Upgrade and a Lumamat 100.
What happens if the curing depths are not observed?
If the stipulated curing depths are not observed, the material can no
longer be completely polymerized / tempered, which may result in
What distance to the light emission window of the Quick
initial curing light must be observed to precure the
The smaller the distance between the light and the objects, the
more thorough the polymerization of the material will be. The
distance must not exceed 2 cm.
Does SR Gel always have to be used?
For the tempering of SR Adoro in the Targis Power Upgrade or
Lumamat 100, SR Gel must always be used. If this is not done, the
inhibited layer will be too thick, which may lead to clinical failure.
Can working models with plastic base blocks be used?
We advise against the use of such model systems due to the poly-
merization / tempering temperatures of 104 °C (219 °F).
How can it be checked if the polymerization/tempering
temperature of 104 °C (219 °F) has been reached?
Regularly calibrate the light furnace with the Test Set L100. Observe
the Operating Instructions
Can the restorations be polymerized / tempered on the
The following basic rule applies: The less mass in the furnace (on
the object holder), the more targeted polymerization / tempering
will be executed. Therefore, it is recommended to remove the
adjoining model components from the model before the polymeri-
zation / tempering of metal-free restorations to reduce the mass.
For metal-supported and zirconium-supported restorations, only
ever mount the object on the object holder, if possible. The
maximum weight of the working model must not exceed 400 g
(corresponds with a large working model incl. Splitcast base block).
Does the colour of the stone (e.g. blue, brown, white, etc.)
influence the polymerization / tempering of SR Adoro?
Stone colours do not influence polymerization / tempering. Hence,
any colour stone can be used.
Can intermediate polymerization be conducted?
Yes, with Program 2, intermediate polymerization may be conducted
for e.g. the Dentin layering (with the use of SR Gel). After that,
cut back the restoration and thoroughly clean it before renewed
layering (do not blast). Do not use any bonding and/or connector
Can the zirconium oxide framework be reused once the
SR Adoro veneer has been removed?
Removing SR Adoro and reusing the zirconium oxide framework is
not recommended. Removing the veneering composite bears the
risk of causing sustained damage to the framework, particularly its
surface. This damage may negatively influence the fatigue behaviour
and mechanical properties of the framework.
What zirconium oxide materials can be used as framework
Basically, only yttrium oxide partially stabilized, sintered, or HIP zir-
conium oxide in a CTE range of 10.5–11.0 x 10
(100–500 °C)
may be used to fabricate frameworks and implant superstructures.