Uses – Ivoclar Vivadent SR Adoro User Manual
Page 6

Fixed Denture Prosthetics
– Veneering of metal-supported restorations with the application
of sR Adoro thermo Guard
– Veneering of combination dentures (e.g. telescope veneers) with
the application of sR Adoro thermo Guard
– Veneering of partially removable implant superstructures with the
application of sR Adoro thermo Guard
– Veneering of Gingiva components in partially removable implant
superstructures with the application of sR Adoro thermo Guard
– Fabrication of long-term temporaries with the application of
sR Adoro thermo Guard
– masking of model cast frameworks with sR Adoro opaquer pink
Zirconium oxide-supported
– Veneering of Zro
-supported restorations
– Characterization and veneering of frameworks and implant
superstructures made of yttrium oxide, partially stabilized,
sintered or Hip zirconium oxide in a Cte range of
10.5–11.0 x 10
(100–500 °C).
– inlays / onlays / veneers
– Anterior crowns
– Long-term temporaries with everest C-temp Blanks (KaVo) with a
maximum wear period of 12 months
Removable Denture Prosthetics
– surface characterizations with sR Adoro stains of ivoclar Vivadent
resin teeth (pmmA) with subsequent veneering with sR Adoro
layering materials
– shape and shade adjustments of ivoclar Vivadent resin teeth
(pmmA) with sR Adoro layering materials in combination with
sR Composiv
– Veneering of metal-supported restorations without the applica-
tion of sR Adoro thermo Guard
– posterior crowns without framework support (Zro
or alloys)
– Quadrant restorations without sufficient support by the residual
– Veneering of long-span, multi-unit, metal-supported bridges
(horseshoe) without sufficient support by the residual dentition
– Conventional cementation of fixed, metal-free restorations
– Framework-free long-term temporaries with a wear period of
more than 12 months
– patients with occlusal dysfunctions and/or parafunctions, such as
bruxism, etc.
– patients with inadequate oral hygiene
– Any clinical applications that are not described as an indication by
the manufacturer
– Removal of sR Adoro veneers and reuse of the zirconium oxide
– Veneering of zirconium oxide frameworks without the application
of sR Adoro Liners
General notes
As is generally known, composites have to meet different demands
due to country-specific uses.
Composite veneering materials show specific characteristics and
properties and their performance and durability can therefore not
be compared with that of other C&B materials.
the composite restorations may require clinical repair over time,
depending on the situation and the individual case. the restorations
can be repaired by means of microfilled composites, as described in
the section on "subsequent Adjustments" on page 79.