Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 88

CMG-DCM Data Communications Module
: Set this to yes to have the DCM record files in
miniSEED format.
MiniSEED uses the FSDN SEED channel naming convention. Before
enabling this option, you will need to tell the DCM which data streams
to output, and what SEED channel codes to use for each one. This is
done on the Data transfer – SEED name mappings page: see Section
disk.recordas.seed : Set this to
yes to have the DCM record full SEED
volumes on the hard disk.
This option will have no effect until you create a SEED recorder
configuration file. See Section 6.4, page 91, for information on these
: Set this to yes to have the DCM record files in SAC
disk.recordas.ascii : Set this to
yes to have the DCM record files in
ASCII format.
Enabling this option produces very large files, and is not
supported in the default distribution. If you need ASCII output, you
must install the asciirecorder package from the Linux command line,
using the command
ipkg install asciirecorder
The ASCII files have a simple format. After a header line, each line
contains two decimal numbers separated by a tab.
The first number is the UNIX time of the sample (
i.e. the number of
seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970). The second is the
absolute sample value at that time. Samples are not guaranteed to be
present in time order.
Data sources: disk.recordfrom
Each serial port has an option in the disk.recordfrom section which
enables recording from that port. If you set the disk.record.from option
for a port to
yes, the DCM will record all the data coming from the port
on the disk.
n : Each of these options refers to a serial port
on the DCM by its number. Select
yes to have the DCM record data
coming into this port.
disk.recordfrom.log : Set this to
yes to make the DCM record its own
Issue F