Guralp Systems CMG-DCM User Manual
Page 67

Operator's guide
The following configuration options are available: : The default 1- or 2-character
SEED network code to use for this station.
datatransfer.seedlink.server.station : The default SEED station code to
use, up to 5 characters long.
datatransfer.seedlink.server : Select on to enable the server, off to
disable it.
datatransfer.seedlink.server.port : The network port on which to listen
for incoming connections.
Before you can start the SeedLink server, you will need to tell it which
streams to output, and what SEED codes to use for each one. This is
done on the
Seed name mappings page (see Section 5.7, page 75.)
You should make sure that each stream uses the same SEED network
and station codes as you have configured for the server on this page.
When you have finished editing these options, click Save changes to
commit them.
The SeedLink server will not immediately use the new options,
because clients may still be connected. You will need to restart the
SeedLink server at a convenient time. Clients will have to reconnect to
the new instance of slserver before they can continue receiving data.
December 2006